Friday, January 31, 2020

The Evaluation of Tsotsi Essay Example for Free

The Evaluation of Tsotsi Essay He is in one of the gangs there. He leaves from his parents when he is young because he has a bad father who always hits him and blames him, and his mother is suffering from a disease. He feels alone, so he goes to stay with other homeless people. He grows up with them, and lives with them in large, concrete construction pipes. He has to become independent when he is young. The most important scene in the movie is the robbery case. A cold-blooded person, Tsotsi tries to steal a rich woman’s car and money. While he is stealing her car, he discovers that there is a baby in the back seat of the car. When he hears the baby cry, he is reminded of his childhood. Out of guilt, he decides to take on the responsibility and take care of the baby. After the first time of trying, he realizes that he is not able to take care of the baby. Then, he meets Miriam, the actress Terry Pheto, who has an infant, and threatens her to feed the baby. These matters make Tsotsi to embark on his painful process. This movie has an excellent opening, ending and delivery which can draw the audience’s attention. Also, the cameramen use the high quality of skills which can strongly reflect the situation in Africa. Moreover, characters are one of the souls of the movie which the emotion toward the audience can light up a whole movie. Lastly, this movie can reflect the social problems in Africa which we need to treasure what we have. At the beginning of the movie, on the train, Tsotsi and his friends try to steal money. This compact opening catches the audience’s attention. Besides, this movie has a little flashback to the childhood of Tsotsi, apart from the flashback memories of childhood that Tsotsi himself experiences early in the film. The viewers can clearly understand the reason behind how he becomes a robber. The viewer will not get confused because this movie is quite straightforward and clear. The story move step by step. Actually, it shows the time line from getting the baby accidently in the car to giving back the baby to her parents. The movie is mainly surrounding the kidnapping case. Furthermore, at the end of the movie, it is the turning point of Tsotsi which can see him change from hatred to care of a person. At that time, Tsotsi feels regret, and he is planning to give back the baby to her parents. When he arrives in their house, he stays for a long time and tries to talk with her parents. The audience will start getting irritated because they know the police are coming, they dont want Tsotsi to get caught. They will feel confused. Nevertheless, this movie has a great ending which provide a theme for the audience to discuss. It shows that Tsotsi raises his arms to the policemen, and all aiming their guns at him. What happens next? Does Tsotsi surrender? Or do the police shoot him? All of these are the possible thing that might happen. The filmmakers choose this wonderful ending because they want the audience to think of the movie and guess if there will be another episode following to continue. This is a smart way to promote a movie. Moreover, the lighting effect is one of the attraction points. Cameramen are one the souls of each movie; how the audience invests in the movie relies on the cameramen. This is a praiseworthy achievement of the cameramen; they do a great job in this movie. This film that includes wonderful and very convincing performances gives an extraordinary spiritual power. Most scenes take place either at night or in the early morning; shooting at night is always difficult, and the cameramen have to keep watching for the correct environment lighting conditions. But the cameramen still can catch a specific moment; this shows that they have a good skills. In addition, Tsot ¬si, played by Presley Chweneyagae, acts very well in this movie. His emotional expression can influence the other actors, and put them into their own characters deeply. Besides, he shows his emotion toward to the baby, and he can convey his emotion to the audience too. These emotions can light up the whole movie. When Tsotsi sees Miriam is feeding the baby, the viewer can know how poor the childhood of Tsotsi is, and the viewer can see he really wants a mother’s love. In addition, this movie has a strong emotional line between the baby and Tsotsi. Tsotsi has already built up a relationship with the baby. The baby seems like his sister. In the movie, Tsotsi says, â€Å"The baby is mine,† which mean he really cares about the baby. He doesn’t want to lose it. Finally, this movie is the hottest topic in the third world. This movie, Tsotsi, shows the social problems in Africa, like homelessness, and famine. Everyone born is a present from God. We are unique and pure. No one is supposed to be a thief or evil. Tsotsi also is kindhearted when he looks at the baby. Unluckily, the community always forces him to do bad things. If he doesn’t follow the rules; he will be killed by. Besides, in the movie, Tsotsi lives in a slum, which shows how poor life is. Is it fate? So, we need to be glad that we are living in such a peaceful and bountiful place. Everything is not inevitable; we need to treasure what we have and not compare with the others. Through this movie, the viewers will learn the living standard in Africa, and they can understand what kinds of problems it has. All the main and minor characters and plotlines that are explored probably deserve appreciation, as overall they all play their parts well. All of the characters are significant. The emotion expressed is excellent. It’s a movie that will influence people, and the viewers have to pay attention to understand the meaning inside. This movie also won the 2005 Academy Globe for Best Foreign Language Film. So, Tsotsi is a remarkable movie that you must watch, and it has a strong meaning.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Media Analysis of Coverage of One Event Essay examples -- Compare Cont

Media Analysis of Coverage of One Event In various articles written about Louisiana governor Kathleen Blanco’s visit to Cuba, the emphases are placed on different points, as the event is described from various angles. The Cuban newspaper Granma goes into more depth about Blanco and her entourage’s activities during their visit to Cuba, as well as giving a more detailed background of pertinent information about United States-Cuba relations, in the context of the embargo. La Nueva Cuba approaches the event from a different angle by providing more specifics about how this particular transaction will take place. There is also a brief compare and contrast of the ways that the United States and other nations choose to deal with Cuba, especially in matters of financing purchases. The Daily Advertiser chooses yet another facet of the issue to focus on. Because it is a Louisiana paper, it has a more domestically-oriented agenda. As a result, the article centers on Louisiana and Blanco, rather than Cuba and the United States as a whole. None of these reports reflect particularly badly on either Cuba or the United States, though each reporter’s preference is shown by the particular scope through which the respective pieces are written. The title of the Granma report is â€Å"Louisiana se acerca mas a Cuba,† a very curious title which creates a feeling of intimacy between the two entities. A mechanical analysis reveals the purposeful use of a reflexive verb only for Louisiana, rather than for both Louisiana and Cuba (i.e. â€Å"Louisiana y Cuba se acercan†). This depicts Louisiana as the active participant of the two, the one that is taking the initiative to align itself closer to Cuba. This way of describing the situation makes sense conside... a smaller regional paper that is more concerned with domestic affairs than international relations. An examination of three articles from different sources but about the same event reveals the different ways of manifesting what is of great or negligible importance, how an entity chooses to present itself, or how the government prefers to have itself portrayed. The various angles chosen to approach the issue, as well as the use of supporting details illustrates the personal preference of the reporter and his or her reflection of each nation, state, or person featured in the report. Although these three articles from the Lafayette Daily Advertiser, Cuba’s conservative Granma, or the more liberal La Nueva Cuba do not exhibit criticism for either the US or Cuba, they showcase subtle opinions about the newly established trade agreement between Cuba and Louisiana.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Power and Inequality in a Cultural and Linguistic Anthropolistic View Essay

Centuries have passed and the different relationships of power and inequality are still present. Power and inequality have always been an issue and a topic of discussion among many different people in different cultures. Although much has changed throughout history, the struggle between power and inequality is still inevitable. There are many different types of power and inequalities ranging from gender to race and culture. Anthropologists can investigate issues surrounding power and inequality by submerging into different cultures and studying how power and inequality play a role in their society. Power and inequality still play a role in modern human cultures as seen by different struggles of cultures as well as the differentiation of linguistics. Cultural anthropologists can investigate issues surrounding power and inequality in modern human populations as they immerse themselves into understanding the different circumstances of different cultures of today and of the past as well. Throughout the years, there has been a struggle of power and inequality between many, including gender and race. Gender has been an issue in many different cultures, and continues to be a struggle even today. In the past, gender issues have resulted in many problems. For example, after China passed the one child law, many parents wanted to have sons rather than daughters because of the thought that sons were more worthy. This however, has resulted in an imbalance of the male and female ratio as it has reached 144:100, in the rural areas of China (Peters-Golden, 2012). In modern society, it is evident that in most cultures, the male is still the dominant gender. In some cultures, including some in the Middle East, women are looked down upon, mistreated and are not treated as equals. Even in the modern Western culture, there is still evidence that the women are at a disadvantage compared to the men (Feminist Economics, 2003). Along with gender, race has also been a reoccurring issue of as well. Previously, the Western worlds perceived themselves as having more power and were more superior to any other culture. Culture today, according to cultural anthropologists, is learned and is subject to modification meaning that the modern population can adapt to new races and cultures as well as their own. Different societies should be subject to his or her own culture rather than perceiving that one race or culture as superior to any other. Cultural anthropologists believe that â€Å"how people have been accepted and treated of a given society of culture has a direct impact on how they perform in that society† (American Anthropology Association, 1998). Thus concluding that not everybody can see themselves as superior, as it affects the society as a whole as well. The United States is an example of many different cultural prejudices, and its affects are apparent in their everyday lives including the media. Cultural anthropologists have been studying different cultures of the world, and many of them have different opinions of power and inequality as can be seen by the ways the cultures interact. In the modern world, there are many pieces of evidence that power and inequality are still present and is still an issue in modern human populations. Power and inequality have much to do with cultural studies, but can also be interpreted in a linguistic anthropological view as well. Linguistic anthropology studies how language influences social society in cultures. Although not necessarily seen as inequality, many different languages have different words categorising between gender, age, and status among others. Linguistics is also an important part of cultural anthropology as well. In many different languages, the use of words reflects the cultures status on both power and inequality (University of Washington, 2004). For example, in many languages, including French, Spanish, and Persian, noun classification is sorted by gender. In Thai, there are around 13 ways to say the pronoun â€Å"I† each one used in different circumstances, depending on who and what is being said. In both cases, the use of language is separated by power and could be thought of as a social inequality because different people are referred to by their gender or social status. As well as words that play a role in cultures, the different languages does as well. According to Mary Bucholtz and Kira Hall (1995), linguistic anthropologists, they say that power is linked with markedness. Markedness is a process where â€Å"some social categories gain a special, default status that contrasts with the identities of other groups, which are usually highly recognisable† and is evident in some countries (Bucholtz & Hall, 1995, p. 372). An example of this is in Zambia, a country that speaks a total of 73 languages, however, only around 7 are considered the ‘dominant’ language as they are positioned above the others, while English is the official language that is unmarked, and considered to be the most important (Spitulnik, 1998). Linguistic anthropology is an important part when studying the different power and inequalities of cultures. Linguistics can show how cultures can interact by languages and determine who is ‘dominant’ or can differentiate people by status or gender. In modern human populations, the existence of power and inequality is still present. Anthropologists, both linguistic and cultural, investigate the presence in struggle of balancing power and inequality. Different times represent different mindsets, however, both power and inequality have been present for basically all of human existence. Prejudice is inevitable in both the past and current human population, ranging from race, gender, different individuals, and cultures, among others. Anthropologists can investigate issues surrounding power and inequality by submerging into different cultures and studying how power and inequality play a role in their society. Studying the language of other cultures by linguistic anthropologists can also determine many aspects of power and inequality in not only the different cultures of today, but also of the past as well.

Monday, January 6, 2020

A Beginners Guide to Ruby Programming Language

Ruby is unique among object-oriented scripting languages. In a sense, its a purists language for those who love object-oriented languages. Everything, without exception, is automatically an object, whereas in other programming languages this isnt true. What is an object? Well, in a sense you can think of it in terms of building a car. If you have a blueprint for it, then an object is whats built from that blueprint. It contains all the attributes that the object holds (i.e. make, model, color) and the actions it can perform. But, even as a pure object-oriented language, Ruby doesnt sacrifice any usability or flexibility by leaving out features that arent expressly related to object-oriented programming. Designing Ruby Rubys architect Yukihiro Matsumoto (known simply as Matz on the web) designed the language to be simple enough for beginning programmers to use while also powerful enough for experienced programmers to have all the tools theyd need. It sounds contradictory, but this dichotomy is owed to Rubys pure object-oriented design and Matzs careful selection of features from other languages such as Perl, Smalltalk, and Lisp. There are libraries for building all types of applications with Ruby: XML parsers, GUI bindings, networking protocols, game libraries and more. Ruby programmers also have access to the powerful RubyGems program. Comparable to Perls CPAN, RubyGems makes it easy to import other programmers libraries into your own programs. What Is Ruby Not? Like any programming language, Ruby has its downsides. Its not a high-performance programming language. In that regard, Pythons virtual machine design has a huge advantage. Also, if youre not a fan of the object-oriented methodology then Ruby isnt for you. Though Ruby does have some features that fall outside the realm of object-oriented languages, its not possible to create a non-trivial Ruby program without using the object-oriented features. Ruby doesnt always perform as well as other similar scripting languages in raw computing tasks. That being said, future versions will address these problems and alternate implementations, such as JRuby, are available as a workaround for these issues. How Is Ruby Used? Ruby is used in typical scripting language applications such as text processing and glue or middleware programs. Its suitable for small, ad-hoc scripting tasks that, in the past, may have been solved with Perl. Writing small programs with Ruby is as easy as importing the modules you need and writing an almost BASIC-like sequence of events type of program. Like Perl, Ruby also has first-class regular expressions, which makes text processing scripts a snap to write. The flexible syntax also aides in small scripts. With some object-oriented languages, you can get bogged down with verbose and bulky code, but Ruby leaves you free to simply worry about your script. Ruby is also suitable for larger software systems. Its most successful application is in the Ruby on Rails web framework, software which has five major subsystems, numerous minor pieces and a plethora of support scripts, database backends, and libraries. To aid the creation of larger systems, Ruby offers several layers of compartmentalization, including the class and module. Its lack of superfluous features allows programmers to write and use large software systems without any surprises. What Skills Would Be Helpful for Learning Ruby? A solid understanding of object-oriented concepts. Ruby is an object-oriented language and the object-oriented features are used throughout. Without this critical skill, youll be struggling as a Ruby programmer.A bit of functional programming knowledge. This is a plus as Ruby uses the block or closure extensively. Not having this ability isnt insurmountable, though. Creating blocks is a feature that can be learned easily enough while learning Ruby.A bit of navigational know-how. The primary way of running a Ruby script is from the command-line. Knowing how to navigate directories, run scripts and redirect input and output are essential skills to Ruby programmers. Applications and Tools Needed for Ruby The Ruby interpreterA text editor such as Notepad, Scite, or Vim. Word processors such as Wordpad or Microsoft Word are not suitable.Command-line access. Though the details of this differ from platform to platform, Linux, Windows, and OSX all have this available without any extra downloads or software installation.